5 May 2008 - Off to the Paintshop!
Well, it's gone! Yes, I delivered the car to the paintshop tonight, and so there it will stay for two weeks, to return on the 16 May, 8 days before the wedding! It has gone to Stubbingtons bodyshop in Fernhurst, as Kevin Stubbington is my sister-in-law's brother-in-law - if you know what I mean!
The last week has been a bit busy, with getting everything lined up, bolted on and the chassis work finished. Brake lines and fule pipe were added to the chassis and then the body was offered up and bolted on , hopefully for the last time. Miraculously everything lined up with a little bit of persuasion. Doors, bonnet and boot all seemed to fit with adequate gaps and pretty well aligned. I say miraculous as remember that none of the body panels have ever been fitted together, and they have been welded up separately off the car, and even the chassis is different. So I was very pleased with the result and even more pleased that I managed to finish off the welding and even got a first layer of filler on some panels to hopefully save a little bit of time.
It actually got a little bit exciting when she all went together and with the addition of the steering column, it was actually able to roll about the drive for the first time in 40 years! As you can see, the weather was a little bit against me, but I remembered that I had a pergola handy, so that was quickly erected and made a great temporary shelter. I did get some funny looks from the neighbours who have been a little intrigued as to what has been going on on the drive!
Strangely enought the longest part of the assembly has been searching through all the nuts and bolts trying to find the right ones, as all the nice little bags I had put things in when I dismantled the car went to pot as I sent a lot away to get plated and they all came back in one big tin! An invaluable assett though has been a big bag of assorted imperial nuts and bolts and washers that I bought at Beaulieu autojumble last year, for a tenner I think, and they have been all but used up now! It is so much nicer to use new nuts and bolts, and I would strongly advise anyone to go and get a big bag or two at the next classic car show or autojumble. The time they save it worth every penny!
So what now? Well with only two weeks away, I have plenty to do in the meantime: Engine, gearbox, radiator, interior, hood etc! I am aiming to get as much completed and lined up ready for the return as I can. I will only have 8 days to put the car together, and MOT it before the weddign and if it is going to be used on the day I want to be able to have driven it around for a few miles first!
Do I think we will make it? I hope so, we are so close now, that it would be great to see it at Poole Quay on the 24th.
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